PRP Treatment
Important Points on PRP Treatment
With the help of PRP Treatment, it is possible to cure some diseases of human body or to make your skin look younger. PRP Traetment uses the patient’s own blood instead of any medications in order to stop cells’ aging process occurs as a result of environmental or genetic factors. Plus hair Clinic experts may provide you with detailed informations on PRP Treatment, which can be used from hair loss to skin anti-aging or ache recovery to orthopedic aims.
What is PRP Hair Treatment?
PRP Treatment is basically having patient’s his own blood, enhancing it and injecting it back to the patient’ body. The plasma matter, which was acquired by experts involves platelets rich cells. These platelets in the blood cells work for the coagulation process and they are the key elements of scar mark recovery as well. PRP Treatment makes it possible for the body to recover scar marks, hair loss, fractures, joint pains as well as keeping the skin look younger. It is an alternative and natural solution instead of using medications. It also has notable benefits on hair loss problems.
For Which Disorders PRP Treatment is Used?
PRP Treatment is an alternative and natural solution instead of using medications and makes it possible for the body to recover scar marks, hair loss, fractures, joint pains as well as keeping the skin look younger
Why You Should Use PRP Treatment?
PRP Treatment may be used for many reasons such as;
-to get bright and fresh looking skin
- to avoid hair loss and strengthen current hairs
- To stop having wrinkles
- to get satisfactory results at face, hand, arms, legs, neck and other medical cosmetic issues.
- to relieve from body aches
PRP Treatment is implemented by expert doctors.
Hair Treatment with PRP
Experts mention that 100-150 hairs may be lost daily and can be accepted as normal. Any excessive amount is seen as hair loss problem. PRP Treatment is a satisfactory solution in the hair loss recovery. The process starts with working on the blood which was taken from the patient. With the help of special centrifuge machines, this blood is divided into red and White blood cells. The red blood cells are in charge of coagulation process of the blood and helpful for recovery. These blood cells are rich in platelets and they are injected back to the patient’s hair skin. It usually takes 20-25 minutes. No pain is felt by the patient. No scar is seen in the skin and it does not affect patient’s social life at all.